2014年5月6日 星期二

6 Die 6 Blow of U Queen Machinery Co., Ltd.

In 2010, U Queen Machinery Co., Ltd. was established. The Executive Director Cathy, Yi expresses her prospect towards U Queen. Concentrating in micro high technology products development and specialisation, apply existing professional knowledge and outstanding techniques along with abundant manufacturing experience, introducing better products to satisfy market requirement. The new series of Automatic Micro Forming Machine can take wire diameters from 0.5mm to 6mm; especially specialise specification under 3mm, the series offers plentiful selection from 1D2B, 2D3B, 3D3B, 4D4B to 6D6B. In the Future, U Queen Machinery co., Ltd. is proposing to become the No.1 manufacturing leader in Micro Forming Machine.

