2014年8月26日 星期二

Taiwan Intelligent Video Server of Unex

Taiwan intelligent video server of Unex. About the features:
1. Rapidly-deployable and easy feature activation ObjectVideo® Education enables CMS/VMS partners to straightforward incorporate full market-leading intelligent video capabilities for education campus, not requiring firmware uploads.
2. The most powerful detection engine supports both full view and Area of Interest (AOI). Each IVS-200 is recommended to analyze maximum 3 con-current area of interest (AOI) drawn within camera’s view. Each AOI can have maximum 15-segment which provides the highest flexibility in real environment applications in the industry.
3. Detecting the objects size as low as 10x10 pixels of camera view and more than 95% accurate rate in typical environment ensure the lowest false alert rate in the industry.
4. Unique standalone box to implement video detecting and intelligent analyzing capabilities to existing CCTV video surveillance or IP video cameras.

